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Architecture Experience Day

Architecture Experience Day

What is Architecture? Put simply Architecture is the physical manifestation of ideas. 

Discover the art and creative thinking behind architectural studies for a fearless career in design. Meet our academic teaching staff, get hands-on, and take a tour. Experience Bond’s Abedian School of Architecture if you want a low staff-to-student ratio, 24/7 access to state-of-the-art facilities, industry professional critiques, personal attention from award-winning Architects, incredible studio culture and even international study tour opportunities. Get immersed from day one and graduate with a full Design in Architecture degree in just 2 years! 

Check out: @ASA.Bond on Instagram to see the amazing projects our Architecture students work on.

Choosing the right university for you can be challenging – it’s one of the most significant decisions you will make in shaping your future. At Bond University, we appreciate the importance of this decision and encourage those looking for a memorable university experience to consider Bond.

There is no better way for you to find your passion than to experience it for yourself! Attending an Experience Day allows you to come along to the Bond University campus and trial programs we have on offer.

This event is complimentary for Year 10, 11 and 12 students and one parent.

EVENT SCHEDULE – Architecture Experience Day |  7th June 2023

TIMEActivity Location
09.00amRegistration & Morning Tea, all registrants check-in for the dayAbedian School of Architecture (ASA)
09.30amIntroduction to Architecture
A Glimpse into the World of Architecture
Head of Architecture, Professor Paul Loh
ASA Building – Forum
10.00amTour the Award-winning Abedian School of Architecture
Head of Architecture, Professor Paul Loh
ASA Building
10.30amSketch & Design Activity
Associate Professor Marja (Magi) Sarvimaki
ASA Building
11.30amFabrication & Robotics Demonstration
Fab Lab Manager, Ryan Wirth
Fabrication and Robotics Laboratory
Enjoy an outdoor lunch with Bond students and staff
ADCO Amphitheatre
01.00pmModel Making Activity
Assistant Professor, Matthew Eagle
Design Studio
02.00pmMy Architecture Experience at BondHear from a current Bondy about what it’s like being an Architecture student at Bond.Question and Answer SessionProfessor Paul Loh (Abedian School of Architecture) & Sean Johnson, Office of Future StudentsASA Building – Forum

Attendee List

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  • Date : 07 Jun 2023
  • Time : 09:00 - 14:00 (UTC+10.5)